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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Marxist Synonyms(?)

A previous post titled "Simulative Engagement" could also be called "Aesthetic 'Opiation'" by staunch Marxists or Bolsheviks who believe that art is to advance the status quo towards utopian socialism.

Indeed, Marxism is one of those approaches that can be applied to so many things - from economics to aesthetics, politics to ethics, and possibly even further. I suppose it's because Marxism focuses on inequality in various forms and deplores (condemns?) it.

Personally, even as a pre-university student, I've felt that living in an unequal world demands one's Servile Obedience in one way or another with varying severity. The layman will call it the difference between the 'haves' and 'have-nots', although it could well be between the 'haves' and 'have-mores' as well.

My understanding of Marxist theory has become a little rusty so I won't go into detail - but it is the only widespread, secular ideology in the 20th Century (literally the previous century) with revolution as a goal, at least in the Bolshevik and Maoist forms. Although Niemoller wrote his famous poem about political engagement in the context of Nazi Germany, a modified version could also be used with a Marxist twist against capitalists.

Power, Property, Poverty, 'Progress' - the four foundations of Marxism(?)